Starting December 2024, we’ve initiated kid’s ‘after school’ rates for our golf bays. This is available for high school kids and younger on weekdays between 4pm and 6pm. The rate is $30/hour, the same as we charge for seniors on weekday mornings. Kids can come with parents or teenagers can attend without parental supervision. We have an experienced team to ensure everything runs smoothly.
We’re doing this for a couple of reasons:
1. Junior Golf is Important
We were juniors once… a rather long time ago! Back in the UK, we’d be at the golf club after school as soon as the clocks sprang forward in April. Golf courses are open all year in that climate, unlike Ontario. Conditions wouldn’t be great at that time of year, but we’d be there, practicing, playing and hanging out with our friends. It was fun, and great preparation for the golfing spring and summer ahead. We’d often eat there then make it home in time to get our homework done. It was a complete after-school evening, long before the evolution of indoor golf.
2. Escaping Smartphones
We’re parents of teenagers, and we recognize the need for kids to engage in healthy activities in a safe social environment with other kids. It is just too easy for kids to finish school then go home and become immersed in their smartphones. That technological phenomenon has become a generational curse that needs to be overcome as research evidence makes clear. After-school golf can play its part alongside other sports and extra-curricular activities.
If you’ve visited Swing Golf Lounge before, you’ll know we have a facility, team and service to rival the GTA’s finest private golf clubs. Many of their management teams on the west side of the GTA visited us before they embarked upon their own indoor golf projects in recent years. The kids of members at those exclusive clubs may now have access to after-school indoor golf. I say ‘may’ as juniors at golf clubs typically don’t have the same access as adult members. Here at Swing Golf Lounge, juniors have the same status as anyone else. They are customers and all they need to do is book a time, show up and then pay at the end of the session.
We’re hoping that an occasional hour or two of indoor golf shared amongst a couple friends at our junior rate is affordable and attractive. Finishing by 6pm should leave sufficient time to get home, eat and do homework before bed, while still leaving enough time for some, but a little less, screen-scrolling.
So, whether you’re a parent, or a young golf enthusiast of any ability of experience, please give it some thought and maybe give us a call.
A Few Resources For Canadian Junior Golfers
Junior Golf – General
Golf Canada:
The governing body for golf in Canada. Their mission is to increase participation and excellence in golf.
Golf Ontario:
Golf Ontario (formerly the Golf Association of Ontario) promotes the game of golf in our home province. Golf Ontario represents over 500 member clubs and 150,000 individual players making it one of the largest amateur golf associations in the world.
Junior Golf – Competitive
Maple Leaf Junior Tour:
Our son played on this golf tour as a junior. We were impressed. The schedule featured quality venues and was well run. An excellent preparation for competing in provincial competition and beyond.
Drive, Chip & Putt:
Drive, Chip and Putt is a junior golf initiative founded in 2013 by the Master Tournament, The USGA and the USPGA. It’s free and focuses on these three fundamental golf skills. Each the finals take place at Augusta, just prior to The Masters. Our son competed in qualifying events a couple of times. Great road trips to the US and wonderful memories. A few local Ontario golfers have enjoyed huge successes in this event!
Kids Golf Equipment
Kids Golf Clubs:
Our kids both began the game of golf using US Kids golf equipment. Their range of junior clubs offers fitting by height and ‘system’ – providing a solution based on size and ability.